how to measure your eyewear

by now, it should be clear that knowing your face shape is very helpful when it comes to selecting eyewear. Combining your newfound knowledge with the measurements of your glasses will set you up for success. The below will highlight and help you do just that.

here’s what you need to know…

the frame width:

the frame width is the horizontal measurement of the front-facing frame from the furthest point on either side.

the lens height:

the lens height is the vertical distance between the lowest and tallest point of your lens, just before the rim of the frame.

the lens width:

The lens width is the horizontal measurements of one of your lenses at its widest points. This is the most important measurement to ensure that your lenses fit your eyes.

the bridge:

The bridge width is the distance between your two lenses, measured from the innermost point on each lens. A proper bridge width will make for a secure, comfortable fit on your nose.

Temple Size (Arms):

Temple length is the length of your glasses’ arms. It’s the distance between the tip of the arm to where it meets the frame.

unique code:

All these measurements, excluding the frame width, are typically found in the arm of the glasses. Lens width (54), bridge (18), and temple size (145)

ready for the next step?

Now that you know how to measure your eyewear reach for a pair of glasses that fit well and practice measuring the frames according to the unique code found on the inner surface of the left temple arm. If they correlate with the measurements you’ve taken, you’ll know that you’re doing it correctly.

Once you’ve read through our guide, watched our ‘How to measure your eyewear‘ Youtube tutorial, and followed our easy-to-use instructions on how to measure your frames, you should know exactly what your face shape is.

If you do not have a pair of glasses to measure, you can measure your face instead. Follow our easy ‘Face Measuring Guide‘ to help you find the perfect fit!

Put your new mastery to the test and start browsing our recommended styles for your face shape.